"The Anxious Clown" isn't solely intended to be a "Reviews" blog but I will, from time to time, review things here.
If you'd like books, comics, art materials, video or board games or other things considered for review, please note the following:
1) All reviews are my honest opinion and mine alone. If you've read the reviews and articles here, you'll know the sort of stuff I like. Fantasy and Sci Fi predominantly. Kids stuff will only be covered if I think it's cool and worthy of sharing.
2) Anything sent for review will be tagged as such in each article. Unless otherwise stated, all items have been purchased by me but I will make sure I mention it if things have been sent for review.
3) This is not a children's book blog, it's a blog written by a slightly nadgery 50 something so sometimes the language and tone may be a bit ripe. Apologies in advance if this offends you.
4) If you would like to send things through, or if you'd like to use any text or quotes from a review, please do drop me a line via pjmaybe at gmail dot com. If you do not get a reply, please don't persist in sending ten more emails asking why I haven't replied, it'll be because what you're requesting a review for is of no interest so I'd rather not be horrible and unpleasant about it.
5) Above all, I hope you find the blog entertaining as that's really all it's here for. No higher purpose, just (hopefully) a good read.
Hi Phil. Wondering if you fancy coming along to the launch of Pax & The Missing Head next month in Caversham? Can't find you on twitter anymore... can DM you details if interested. Dave