I've been a long-term sufferer from insomnia, usually worse in the summer but this year for some reason I'm also getting it in the Autumn, traditionally a time of year I look forward to because of the reduced light levels.
During the summer when the sun stays high in the sky until 10pm I barely get to sleep before midnight, but lately my snoozing brain has wrought so much evil, mulling over problems at home and at work, like a nagging annoying voice constantly reminding me that these things exist and are causing me stress.
I've tried all the methods of conquering insomnia that there are. I've eliminated as much noise and light as I can in my bedroom (I wear earplugs every night, which isn't great as I'm fairly sure they're damaging my hearing), I've tried the usual "no caffiene after 5" rule, I've tried blanking my mind out, but I find that every morning around 3AM I wake up, and if I am lucky enough to drift off after that, I'll be in a fitful state of sleep where I wake up more or less constantly until I just give up and get the heck out of bed and go do something more productive.
In short, it sucks.
I know others take more drastic measures and either get hooked up with sleeping tablets or knock themselves out with drink or drugs, but I'm not likely to do any of those things. So for fellow sufferers who are always on the receiving end of "helpful" (not helpful at all) advice, I wholly sympathise
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