So I thought I'd be as self-indulgent as the rest of the Internet and write some first impressions about what is essentially a showreel (because if that's gameplay footage, I'll eat my liquorice hat).
Oh my god it's dense
Fair enough, I've been to Florida (which Vice City is loosely based on) and hell, it certainly is a busy place but looking at the trailer it's HELLA busy. There are cars, vehicles, boats, planes and people EVERYWHERE, almost spilling out of the screen it's so crowded. That's going to make life fun when you're on a time-sensitive mission trying to deliver a pair of high-performance pants to some shady underworld dude.
The new protagonist is female and there seems to be a guy you might end up playing as well
Watch the usual sexist twonks moaning that GTA, a "Man's game" now has a female protagonist. TBH I think she looks ass-kickingly awesome. Can't wait.
The Rage Engine is making Unreal Engine 5 look like a ZX Spectrum
I've never been that convinced about UE5 on PS5 or Xbox Series X to be honest. A few nice demos aside, and some games that have used it to varying degrees of success, put it in contrast to what you see in the GTA 6 trailer and if the game looks even a smidgeon as 'pretty' as the trailer, it's really going to blow UE5 out of the water. There have been absolutely no technical details on what Rockstar used to make the game so I might end up eating humble pie if they just bought into UE tech and did the whole thing in that.
There's a lot of ass in that trailer
A lot of ass. There is ass everywhere. Ass sells things I guess.
It's going to sell so many copies and cause an absolute meltdown on the internet
I'm not kidding. I think about the largest digital releases of games to date and I can't imagine buying this digitally or preloading it before launch. Similarly, I think blu ray manufacturing plants are going to be working flat out to get physical copies out. I just can't see how it's going to work, I mean whatever the release date is in 2025, it's going to contribute to global warming, simple as that.
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