Finding the joy

As regular readers (there are regular readers?) of this blog will recall, I spend a lot of time trying to buck the genetic trend of my dad's side of the family (and some from my mums) to moan about each and everything that annoys me. My wife (long suffering) usually comes up with a ton of excellent suggestions, at least recognising and acknowledging that A) I don't want to be a moany old git but B) spend a lot of time grumbling and moaning about things (usually moronic things people do) that I have little or no control over altering. 

"So what brings you joy?"

She asked this bombshell of a question on our sunday walk. Joy is a thing that is difficult to define. Joy comes from several sources that are obvious (my wife, my daughter) but also comes from anything that falls outside the working day (I find absolutely no joy in my job sadly, and I have acres of respect and envy for those who do). 

My hobbies bring me joy, whether I'm knitting / crocheting, gaming, drawing, painting or sculpting. My extended family bring me joy, particularly my awesome niece and nephew (and not just because they think I'm a cool uncle). I find joy in getting away from people, those moments when you've walked that extra mile when you're in the middle of nowhere, and stragglers fall far behind, those who choose to picnic in the car park rather than bother their shoe leather by walking a couple of miles into the gorgeous countryside. 

I find joy in paintings or drawings I've never seen before that tickle my fancy. Likewise music and movies. Sometimes I even find joy in those rare moments when karma bites someone deserving on the arse (like our next door neighbour and his constant failing to get his colossal hot tub working, or the fact that no matter how much 'new money' he spends, he still looks as miserable as hell whenever I spot him loudly yarping complaints at whatever poor workman has to do anything for him around his house). 

The world is broken in so many ways and the last couple of years have underlined that in bold red strokes, the onset of selfishness that has become so ingrained in the last couple of decades, so it's ever-more important to seek out those joy-filled things that can raise a smile, or make you feel that perhaps there are still people out there who are worthy of your time and your attention. 
